Let’s start by addressing a common misconception a lot of parents have. Many think that with two or more kids, a tandem stroller is the automatic solution. While they can be handy, don’t feel like it’s your only option!

Now, best double stroller shopping can leave you feeling like you need a degree in engineering. There are so many options on the market! But don’t worry – we’re breaking it down to help you navigate this world of wheels, seats, and storage compartments.

Types of Best Double Strollers

Let’s talk about the major categories of double strollers and what situations they shine in:

Side-by-Side Double Strollers:

  • Think of these as the classic double stroller. Kids sit next to each other, which is great for chatting and keeping an eye on both.
  • Pros: Often easier for kids to get in and out themselves, potential for equal views.
  • Cons: Can be tough to maneuver in tight spaces, like narrow grocery store aisles.

Tandem Double Strollers (aka Inline Strollers):

  • These have the seats lined up front to back, like a little stroller train!
  • Pros: Slim profile for doorways and crowds. Often easier to steer.
  • Cons: Back rider may have a limited view, can be harder to get in/out of the rear seat.

Jogging Double Strollers:

  • Looking to stay active with your little ones? These strollers are built for running and rougher terrain.
  • Features: Larger wheels, excellent suspension, and sometimes handbrakes for control.
  • Important: Not all double strollers are meant for jogging – safety first!

Travel-Friendly Double Strollers:

  • These are your jet-setter strollers! Prioritize lightweight frames, compact folding, and easy carrying.
  • Bonus: Some even fit in overhead airplane compartments (check those dimensions!).

Which one is right for you?

Think about:

  • Your daily life: Do you deal with lots of narrow spaces or mainly wide-open sidewalks?
  • Kids’ preferences: Do they like being side-by-side or is one okay with being the “caboose”?
  • Lifestyle: Are you hitting the trails or the airport more often?

Must-Have Features to Consider

You might think all double strollers are created equal, just with an extra seat slapped on. Not the case! Let’s dive into the key features that will actually make a difference in your daily outings.

Weight and Size: Practicality is Key

  • Nobody needs an extra workout pushing a stroller that weighs a ton! Consider the weight, especially if you’ll be lifting it in and out of your car frequently.
  • Measure your doorways and trunk space. Will your dream stroller actually fit in your life? No use falling for a fancy model that won’t go past the front door!

Car Seat Compatibility: Especially for Newborns

  • If you have an infant (or two!), car seat compatibility is huge. Being able to transfer a sleeping baby from car to stroller is a sanity saver.
  • Note: Not all strollers take all car seats – check brand compatibility and if you need adapters.

Individual Seat Adjustments: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

  • Kids come in different ages and nap schedules! Look for strollers where seats recline independently. This is crucial if you’ve got a toddler and a baby using it.
  • Bonus points if the seats and footrests are adjustable – comfort is everything!

Storage and Accessories: Because Parents Need Stuff Too

  • Where will your diaper bag, water bottle, and random snacks go? Generous under-seat storage is a must!
  • Cup holders and snack trays seem basic, but they’ll prevent a lot of mid-walk meltdowns (from kids and parents alike!).
  • Think about add-ons: Rain covers, stroller organizers… sometimes these make a huge difference!

A Note on Price: Like anything, double strollers range from budget-friendly to “whoa, that costs how much?!” It’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, but consider how long you’ll use it and if a few extra features are worth the investment for your family.

Our Top 5 Best Double Stroller Picks for 2024 

UPPAbaby Vista V2

Description: The UPPAbaby Vista V2 is a top-of-the-line, luxurious double stroller that can be customized to fit your growing family. It offers a variety of configurations, from a single stroller to a double stroller and even a triple stroller with an additional rumble seat!


  • Unmatched versatility
  • Superior ride quality
  • Expandable storage
  • Reversible and reclining seats
  • Large, adjustable canopies


  • Higher price point
  • Bulkier than umbrella strollers
  • Not the lightest option

Final Verdict: This is an investment stroller ideal for parents who want the ultimate in comfort, customization, and durability. It’s perfect for families who plan on using the stroller for multiple children.

UPPAbaby Vista V2
UPPAbaby Vista V2

Graco DuoGlider Click Connect

Description: This stroller is a fantastic choice for budget-conscious parents. It boasts user-friendly features and a stadium-style seating arrangement, ensuring both kids have a good view.


  • Easy on the wallet
  • User-friendly manoeuvring
  • Stadium seating
  • Car seat compatibility (often included)
  • Compact fold


  • Basic features
  • Bulkier than travel strollers
  • Limited seat recline

Final Verdict: The Graco DuoGlider Click Connect is a practical and wallet-friendly option. It’s perfect for everyday use and families who prioritize good value.

Graco DuoGlider Click Connect
Graco DuoGlider Click Connect

Best Lightweight Double Stroller: Joovy Kooper X2

Description: This ultra-lightweight double stroller folds compactly, making it ideal for travel, city living, or frequent car loading.


  • Ultra-lightweight design
  • Easy to manoeuvre
  • Surprisingly comfortable seats
  • Lockable swivel wheels
  • Affordable price


  • Limited features
  • Not ideal for rough terrain
  • Smaller seats

Final Verdict: The Joovy Kooper X2 is a lifesaver for parents on the go. If you prioritize portability and a hassle-free fold, this is the stroller for you.

Joovy Kooper X2
Joovy Kooper X2

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie

Description: Calling all active parents! This stroller is specifically designed for jogging with its superior suspension, stability, and safety features.


  • Superior suspension
  • Built for safety
  • All-terrain wheels
  • Adjustable handlebar
  • Ample storage


  • Bulky and heavy
  • More expensive
  • Not ideal for casual strolling
  • Limited seat recline

Final Verdict: The BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie is the ultimate jogging stroller. If you prioritize an active lifestyle and safety features for running with your little ones, this is the perfect choice.

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie
BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie

Best Double Stroller for Travel: Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double

Description: This stroller is a dream for traveling parents. It folds incredibly small with a user-friendly one-hand mechanism and may even fit in some overhead airline compartments!


  • Incredibly compact fold
  • Lightweight and easy to manoeuvre
  • Lockable swivel wheels
  • Car seat compatible (adapters often included)
  • Reclining seats


  • Limited storage space
  • Not the most comfortable for long walks
  • May not handle rough terrain

Final Verdict: The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double is a champion for travel and city strolls. It prioritizes space-saving design and convenience for on-the-go families.

Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double
Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double

Where to Buy + Tips Best Double Stroller 

You might think just grab the first double stroller you see online or at a big box store. But hold on! Let’s look at some options and tips before you commit:

  • Online Retailers: The land of convenience! You get a huge selection, can compare prices easily, and often read tons of reviews. However, you might miss out on testing the stroller out in person.
  • In-Store Shopping: Sometimes you need to push and fold a stroller to really feel if it’s the right fit. Brick-and-mortar stores let you do that, plus have staff to answer questions. The downside? Selection might be limited compared to online.
  • Warranties: No matter where you buy, check the warranty. This is an investment, and you want protection!
  • Used Marketplaces: Looking to save some cash? Sites like Facebook Marketplace or dedicated secondhand baby gear shops can be treasure troves. Just be sure to inspect the stroller carefully before buying.

Pro Tip: Those parent reviews we mentioned? They’re your secret weapon! Real parents give the unfiltered scoop on durability, ease of use, and any quirks to watch out for.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in this stroller adventure! Remember, the best double stroller  doesn’t exist in a vacuum – it’s the best one for your specific needs.

Here’s a quick recap to help you decide:

  • Think about your daily life: Where will you mostly use this stroller? Sidewalks, malls, trails?
  • Consider ages and preferences: Do your kids like being side-by-side, or does one not mind the back seat?
  • Features that matter: Prioritize what’s non-negotiable (car seat compatibility, crazy-easy folding, etc.)
  • Budget: Be realistic about what you can spend, and look for the stroller that gives you the most value within your range. If you would like to learn more about Best Baby Swings, please click here.

Don’t feel pressured to get the fanciest option, or the one everyone else seems to have. The perfect double stroller is the one that makes those outings with your kiddos smoother, safer, and more enjoyable! you can also visit my website.

Categorized in:

Strollers & Accessories,

Last Update: June 26, 2024